Monday, March 16, 2009

The first week as a family of four

well...we did it! we have successfully completed our first week of being a family of four! Amalia is doing amazing as a big sister, she is busy helping change nora's diapers and helping Jesse cook dinner! The pic of her in dress up is at 630am yesterday morning..i slept a little extra while jesse and daddy played dress up...the dill home is full of fun at 6 am! She is dying to take Nora on the slide at the park! Jesse and I are in total heaven with our two daughters, we didn't think life could get any better and it has. Nora spends her days sleeping and eating ad just being cute.

We had our first big outing to target yesterday-Amalia picked out "big girl" underwear, Nora got diapers, I got breast pads and Jesse got his share of a fun filled shopping day with three girls! poor Jesse...anyone want to take him on a "man date" please do! It was a great on the agenda...the zoo. Thank you all for the phone calls, visits, meals and prayers...we are doing great!


Jesse Dill said...

Man Date??? I like to call it "Hangin with the guys"

The Foster Fam said...

You guys must be in heaven right now!!! It's so much fun watching siblings love each other! Congrats to the happy Dill family! So when is the next one coming.......
Oh and Jesse...There is no longer hanging with the's called ESCAPING with the guys!!!