Tuesday, June 2, 2009

its otay mommy, it happens....

So today we experienced our second ever total melt down...let me tell you that i sweat more in carrying my screaming two year old out of a mall and walking a gigantic stroller with a screaming three month old in it than i do when i am training for a half marathon. Today my darling Amalia decided she did NOT want to leave the mall and Nora decided she wanted to eat right then and there. So, here i am marching through the mall with my two children faster than lightning to get to my safe haven...my car. We get to the car, i feed Nora, Amalia is STILL screaming that she wants to pee in the mall potty ONLY, no where else, and as Amalia calms down i speak to her about her behavior and ways to better solve it next time and her response to me is this..."thats otay mommy, it happens..." huh? "what happens AMalia?" "I scream, its otay...it happens" oh brother...

1 comment:

c said...

OMG I love it!! Boy have we all been there!